VegMed Web 2021 was an international online gathering of health professionals from around the globe, sharing the latest science on plant-based nutrition, as well as hands-on tools for daily medical practice.
Read about the 2021 highlightsVegMed is Europe’s largest medical congress on plant-based nutrition, bringing together top experts in the field from all over the globe.
Review our 2021 speakers
Participants enjoyed numerous scientific lectures from world-leading researchers and renowned doctors, as well as practice-oriented workshops, peer-review sessions and platforms for professional networking. Our top speakers included:
Team Sherzai
Live an Unforgettable Life: How to Avoid Alzheimer's and Build a Better Brain
Dr. ir. Trudy Voortman
Diet in life-course and its impact on epigenetics
Francisco Guerreiro
Discussion: Demanding political change: How can health professionals support sound public health policies?
Brenda Davis, R.D.
Nourish: Plant-Based Diets for Children
Dr. Martin Herrmann
Medical emergency climate crisis – climate change as a health hazard
Continuing medical education (CME) points
VegMed Web 2021 was certified with 18 CME points by the Berlin Chamber of Physicians (ÄKB).
The VegMed organisers are a non-profit consortium comprising Charité Medical University Outpatient Clinic for Integrative Medicine at Immanuel Hospital Berlin, the Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN), ProVeg International, and Stiftung Reformhaus Fachakademie.
Past events and webinarsPAN Online Events
If you can’t wait until the next VegMed, the Physicians Association for Nutrition hosts regular online educational events exploring the topic of nutrition and medicine. We invite you to check out their event calendar and sign up for any events you are interested in.
Find out more* You will be forwarded to the website of the Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN)
Frequently Asked Questions
Why will VegMed 2021 be hosted as a web-conference?
As you probably suspect, we took this decision due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the various restrictions and uncertainties we are all facing, particularly related to large events. Just like you, we were very much looking forward to VegMed 2020 and VegMed 2021 as on-site events in Berlin and regret that, after more than two years of preparation, this unique programme cannot take place physically as originally planned. At the same time, we would like to ensure that everyone’s well-being is protected during this global health crisis. Additionally, a web conference is more climate efficient than a physical conference, since speakers and guests do not have to travel in order to attend. A web conference also gives the organisers, the speakers, and the attendees much more certainty in terms of planning and allows participants to join the conference from all over the planet, either live or at a time that suits them. The ticket includes access to recorded live videos for three month following the event.
The personal exchange and networking among health professionals, researchers, and students is very important to us and has helped shape previous VegMed conferences. VegMed Web 2021 will use the latest digital tools to create an on-site conference atmosphere and allow all participants to engage with experts and colleagues. With the opportunity to include more speakers and attendees from around the world than ever before, VegMed 2021 will become even more of a space for scientific exchange around plant-based nutrition and medicine.
What will the programme look like and which speakers will attend?
The VegMed Web 2021 programme will be even more engaging, interactive, and international. Around 80% of the speakers who had originally planned to attend VegMed 2020 have already confirmed their participation in VegMed Web 2021 (including Dr Michael Greger, Dr PH Walter Willett, and Team Sherzai). Additionally, we are aiming to include more international top speakers at VegMed Web 2021, since the digital format allows us to feature speakers from all parts of the world.
Various digital tools will allow us to make VegMed Web 2021 especially interactive, with lively panel discussions and vibrant exchange among the attendees, speakers, and participants.
Here you can find the preliminary programme.
VegMed Web 2021 will be an exciting event that looks at the most pressing topics, aligned with current research and all recent developments in the field of plant-based nutrition in medicine.
Who is allowed to access the conference?
The VegMed Web 2021 programme will be presented to the professional audience (physicians, medical students, scientists, nutritionists and related disciplines, people in academic healthcare professions) within the three days of the conference. In addition to the live panels and lectures, recorded webinars will be available in a video library. Many lectures will be available and accessible online for three months without extra charge.
Interested laypeople will be able to purchase the recordings of some exclusive conference events via video-on-demand after the congress.
Are the tickets I have already purchased still valid?
Your tickets for VegMed 2020 will remain valid for VegMed Web 2021. About 80% of the speakers who had originally planned to attend VegMed 2020 have already confirmed their participation in VegMed Web 2021. You will benefit from even more speakers and a more interactive conference format. We would be very grateful if you would refrain from cancelling your tickets. By not cancelling, you will be supporting us as a non-profit consortium in meeting the current challenges so that we can continue to host such valuable events in the future. Thank you for remaining registered for VegMed Web 2021.
What if I cannot attend?
If you are unable to attend VegMed Web 2021, you can, of course, have your ticket refunded. It can be cancelled free of charge for up to 8 weeks before the date. A 25% cancellation fee will apply to those tickets cancelled under 8 weeks but no less than 4 weeks before the new date. Cancellation is not available less than 4 weeks prior to the event.
Can I give my ticket to someone else?
You can transfer your ticket to a third party, free of charge, up to 2 weeks before the date.
What if I have further questions?
If you have any other questions about VegMed Web 2021, please send an email to [email protected].
Don’t miss out on important news regarding VegMed Web and associated events. Sign up for the official VegMed newsletter sent out by the Physicians Association for Nutrition.
SIGN UP* You will be forwarded to the website of the Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN)
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