
VegMed is Europe’s largest medical conference on plant-based nutrition, bringing together top experts in the field of science, health and nutrition.

Recordings available online

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Studying health or nutrition?
Want better health outcomes?

Access over 15 hours of medical and scientific content from VegMed 2023 at the on-demand site, with a viewing pass:

VegMed London 2023 is a collaboration between Plant-Based Health Professionals UK and PAN International – Physicians Association for Nutrition, and is supported by ProVeg International, with the overarching theme of ‘Bringing Plant-Based Nutrition into Healthcare’.

Why come?

This is the first time since 2019 that the European plant-based healthcare community has had the opportunity to meet in person, share knowledge and exchange ideas. London is the ideal location to network, learn and relax.

Programme Speakers

Who should come to this conference?

This conference is relevant to all health professionals (doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, allied health professionals, health coaches) and to non-health professionals who have an interest in improving their diet, optimising health and supporting others to do the same. In addition, the programme is relevant to researchers, policy makers, healthcare and NHS executives and public sector caterers.

What to expect

The programme will feature a range of experts with extensive experience in using plant-based nutrition in clinical practice and healthcare settings. In addition, we will showcase successful projects that are taking place within the community and in public sector catering to facilitate the transition to a plant-based diet. The impact of our food choices on the climate and ecological crisis will be discussed. Attendees will gain knowledge and confidence in meeting nutritional requirements for all ages and stages of life, including for the prevention and management of chronic conditions and for achieving optimal athletic performance.

Topics to be covered will include:
• type 2 diabetes
• heart disease
• women’s health
• nutrition for athletes
• plant-based diets for children
• autoimmune conditions
• school and hospital catering
• planetary health

Frequently Asked Questions

Where in London is VegMed 2023 being held?

We are holding this year’s conference in the Sherfield Building at the prestigious Imperial College in South Kensington, close to many well known museums, the Royal Albert Hall and Hyde Park. The perfect spot for some sightseeing outside conference hours!

Is the conference accessible for those with reduced mobility?

All rooms are fully accessible for those with reduced mobility, with lifts for access to the Great Hall and Read Lecture Theatres and accessible toilets on each floor.

Can I come if I’m not a health professional?

Yes! The conference is focused on the latest research related to plant-based nutrition in healthcare but is open to anyone who is interested in using a plant-based diet for their own health, their family or community. The parallel sessions mean there is something for everyone.

Is there accommodation available?

We have special rates for single, twin or double room accommodation on site at Imperial College, with breakfast an option too. You can find out more here.

What food will be available?

A full plant-based lunch will be served both days along with healthy, tasty snacks at break times. If you need gluten or nut free options, or have other dietary requirements, please send an email to [email protected]

Do you have special rates for students?

Yes, we have a limited number of tickets available at £125 for full time students. Please email [email protected] to gain the access code for these tickets.

Will the sessions be recorded so I can watch them at a later date?

Yes, all the talks will be recorded and available to watch afterwards at no extra cost.

Can I attend the conference virtually?

The conference weekend is in-person only. However, all the talks will be recorded and there will be an option to buy on-demand access at a later date.

I see that the conference has CPD points accredited with the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. How do I gain access to these?

You will be sent a digital certificate after the conference confirming your award of 12 CPD hours.

I need some extra information about the conference that’s not on the website; who do I contact?

Please send an email to [email protected] and we will endeavour to answer your question.

About Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

Plant-based health professionals UK is a community interest company, which provides education and advocacy on whole food plant-based nutrition for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease, as well as for supporting planetary health.

About PAN International - Physicians Association for Nutrition

PAN International – Physicians Association for Nutrition is an international NGO on a mission to eliminate diet-related deaths globally. By making nutrition a core part of healthcare and by engaging health professionals in efforts towards healthy and sustainable food environments we are advancing the food transformation needed to mitigate the three largest global health crises: chronic disease, climate change and pandemic risk.

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